

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Here are some questions which quickly disclose whether or not one is really in love or whether the relationship is something different. Answer each question truthfully, regardless of what you think is the correct answer or what the other person wants to hear.
1.      YES/NO Do you have many interests that you like to do together?
2.      YES/NO, Do you have a feeling of pride when you compare your friend to any other you have known?
3.      YES/NO, Do you feel you need to apologize for certain things about them?
4.      YES/NO, Do you suffer from a feeling of unrest when away from them?
5.      YES/NO, Have you a strong feeling to please your companion, and are you quite glad to give way on your own preference?

6.      YES/NO Do you have any difficulty carrying on a conversation with each other?
7.      YES/NO, Even when you quarrel do you still enjoy being together?
8.      YES/NO, Do you actually want to marry this person?
9.      YES/NO, Would you be afraid to trust them in the presence of another attractive person of your own sex for an evening?
10.  DO/NO, Do they have the qualities you would like to have in your children?
11.  YES/NO, Do your friends and associates admire this person and think that he or she would be a good match for you?
12.  YES/NO, Do you ever wonder if your friend is faithful to you?
13.  YES/NO, Do your parents think that you’re in love?
14.   YES/NO, Have you started planning, at least in your own mind, what kind of wedding and home to have? What about children?
15.  YES/NO, Is your companion attractive to you not only in appearance but in the way they talk, act and think?
16.  YES/NO, Do you approve generally of each other’s friends?
17.  YES/NO, Do you wonder if your friend is being sincere in what they tell you?
18.  YES/NO, Do you have a wealth of things to discuss and do together?
19.  YES/NO, Do you find that in thinking of the future it is in terms of the two of you rather than just yourself?
20.  YES/NO, Can you imagine how they will appear at 40, and still feel as deeply attached as before?
21.  YES/NO, When outside trouble develops for one of you, does the crisis tend to pull you together rather than apart?
22.  YES/NO, Are there many things on which you disagree?
23.  YES/NO, Are you conscious of being jealous of your companion?
24.  YES/NO, Do you have serious doubts about your love for them?
25.  YES/NO, Do you think she/he would make a good parent of your children?
26.  YES/NO, Do you approve of his/her religion and philosophy of life?

SCORING: You can give yourself a perfect score for this test if you answered questions 3, 6,9,12,17,22,23 and 24 with no, and all the rest with yes. If you have 22 or more correct answers, you can judge yourselves to be solidly in love, if you do not, you should be skeptical until further confirmation one way or the other.


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