

Friday, October 11, 2013

Today I bring to you suggestions to help you start your relationships properly so that you do not regret the person you chose for a spouse. It isn’t simply a feeling to stay with a person. There are true principles that you must base on to see your marriages successful.
·         Those who intend marry need to have many interests that they like to do together.
·         They should feel proud to be friends to each other.
·         Should feel the need to apologize for the things they have done wrong.
·         Should suffer from a feeling of unrest when the other is away from them.
·         Should be willing to please your companion, and be quite glad to give way even on your own preference.

·         Should be free to carry on a conversation with each other without any difficulty.
·         Even when you quarrel, you should still enjoy being together.
·         You should actually want to marry this person you are relating with.
·         Should not be afraid to trust your spouse in the presence of another attractive person of your own sex for an evening.
·         He/she should have the qualities you would like to have in your children.
·         Your friends and associates should admire this person and think that he or she would be a good match for you.
·         Your friend is meant to be faithful to you for you are going to entrust your life unto him/her.
·         Your parents should approve that you’re in love with him or her.
·         Plan the kind of wedding, home and children you want to have.
·         Your companion should not only be attractive to you only in appearance but in the way they talk, act and think.
·         You need to approve of each other’s friends. Remember the saying which goes that “birds of the same feathers flock together’’.
·         Your companion/friend is meant to be sincere in what they tell you.
·         You ‘’love birds’’ should have a wealth of things to discuss and do together.
·         While thinking of the future it should be in terms of the two of you rather than just yourself.
·         You friends should imagine how you will appear at 40, to still feel as deeply attached as before.
·         How is it when outside trouble develops from one of you? Does the crisis tend to pull you together rather than apart?
·         Are there many things on which you disagree? If yes, you may not match for marriage.
·         You shouldn’t be jealous of your companion.
·         You shouldn’t have serious doubts about your love for your companion.
·         She/he should have the qualities to make a good parent of your children.
·         You should approve of his/her religion and philosophy of life. Our beliefs matter a lot in making successful homes.
Solid love in relationships which yield into marriages needs conscious search and judgement so that the lovers do not land into trouble. Nothing should be taken for granted because it may become the source of disaster at home. We shouldn’t make a rash decision about the one we want to marry. The decision you are making is a life time commitment.



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