
What wives wish their husbands knew about women! (Part 2)

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

 Fatigue and time pressure.
The second most depressing irritant in marriage according to the poll conducted by James Dobson is Fatigue and time pressure.
Frequently our heads do spin and whirl with the obligations of the impossible to do lists we have.  We say, I must get the bills paid this morning and the shopping cannot wait another day. And my children! I’ve had so little time to be with them lately that we hardly seem like a family any more. May be I can read them a story to night. And we really should be taking more time for our spiritual lives. That’s one area we cannot afford to neglect.
And what about our social obligations? We can’t expect to have friends if we never get together. The Stephens have had us over twice now, and I know they are waiting for us to receive them in return. And there are so many things that need repairing about the house.

We’re too busy; everyone can see that. But what does a hectic pace have to do with depression? It is simply this: Every obligation that we shirk is a source of guilt. When there are more commitments than we can possibly handle, then self-esteem is further damaged by each failure.

‘I am really a lousy parent; am too exhausted to be a good wife; I’m disorganized and confused; I’m out of touch with the world around me, and I don’t have any real friends; even God is displeased with me.’
Thus be careful, the way you budget your time, for your relationships may not survive if you have not time for your spouse. Yes you are busy, but she needs you. Has she part in your schedule?

Dr. Kevin .H,etal (1988)Family matters-A guide to family life; the Stanborough press Ltd


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