

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Love isn’t simply a talk but action; I feel we should drive through some activities that can revive and bring to life our relationships, particularly the marriages. The following five acts of love that will surely rock your marriage!  If you and your spouse will implement them into your marriage you will always remember this article!

Normally, when people have just got married they simply believe that their love is true and their love will last.  But because we see many suffering divorce, this belief is definitely not enough to keep the marriage healthy and ongoing. I don’t know how you started off in your marriage, happily, sadly, thriving, or stumbling through the gate, every couple needs to learn these acts of love if they want to remain happy.

The first act:  Having fun together
When is the last time you just went out together and had fun? Been a while hasn’t it. Going out to have fun is done by many, before they get married, and as soon as they marry, they forget it. Some people give excuses for this such as children, money, time .etc. do not allow these factors to keep you from having fun together! Find a day in a week or a month for having fun with your spouse. Make no excuses to miss. Even if you got a conflict, ignore it for the sake of your outing.  You can discuss the issues calmly when you return home and not on that day. Having fun brought you together, so doing it keeps you going.
Second love act: Joining a small group together
Small groups provide support, encouragement, and accountability to the married. In the groups we learn things that help encourage you to be healthy and run out of conflict. Both parties (spouses) need to be present so they learn what others do to bring life home. The married should learn to exchange ideas with others and deliberate on issues of successful home making. Small church groups do well in this.

Third love act: Learning to resolve our conflicts
How do you settle conflicts when they arise? Some people fight, other raise voices in quarrels, others keep quiet. What is the best way to do it?  Conflict resolution is not a natural skill, in fact, we are more naturally prone to mess up conflict resolution! The married need to take lessons on conflict resolution. Each needs to be willing to listen to the other so that they come to an understanding. Sometimes it may necessitate bringing in someone both of you trust to help you. Conflict resolution is not about who is right or wrong but bringing back the two to harmony.

The Forth Love Act: Keeping Fun Time Important
One of the smartest things you will ever do for your marriage is keep fun time sacred. Nothing should ever stand in the way that happiness to your marriage. Dr. John Gottman says that couples who are happily married have a 5 to 1 positive experience to every – one negative experience together.  Thus you have to call off all those things that happen to block the way of the couple’s fun time. No more no less.

The fifth Love Act: Giving Allowances for Each Other’s Faults
Man is not perfect. Your spouse is not perfect, neither are you! For this reason do not expect them to do everything the way you think they should. Relax a little bit when your spouse makes a mistake.  When we create an allowance for faults, we do not get terribly hurt. This still creates an environment for forgiveness. Have you ever longed to be forgiven and they denied it to you? How did you feel? Because you felt so bad, learn to forgive those who say sorry to you.

Good marriages are worked for; they do not happen through magic. Tell your heart to take in these suggestions; life in your house will improve.


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