
Good marriages require ample time for courtship!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

What is courtship?
Courtship is a selection process by which some options are discarded while others are kept in the mind, according to the qualities and circumstances perceived.

Why should there be courtship before marriage?
There are important psychological and biological differences between a man and a woman. In order to maintain a balanced relationship it is useful to be aware of these differences.
Preparation for marriage does not happen by chance but requires conscious, planned effort on the part of both partners.
The temperament of an individual has enormous effect on the relationship between a man and a woman. To know one’s own temperament and that of the loved one is a very contributing factor to success-fulness of a couple.
The work of getting to know each other and getting ready for living together with someone all your life has a serious bearing on courtship and the success of your marriage.
 When courting what do you look for in him or her?
Character and personality: it is very useful to observe a future spouse’s behavior and characteristics. Her or his goodness, good temper, emotional stability, or the strength in solving difficulties in life all represents desirable qualities. In such a way you can avoid lack of self control, and pessimism.
Age: it matters also. Although it is generally true that age is no barrier to love, there shouldn’t be a large gap between future spouses. Why? Because marriage consists of a living tandem and it becomes very difficult when gap in age is very big.

Religion:  this also is a vital aspect for the success of a marriage; religious beliefs are a set of philosophy which determines our life-style.  Those who believe and live according to religious teachings need to find someone who shares their convictions and practices.

Education level: this too is important to consider. The academic achievement should be taken into account when choosing a companion. Why? Because any viable relationship between two people includes an important intellectual component involving conversations, objectives, and activities, which become very difficult when there, are large differences between partners in terms of academic levels and achievements.

Social class: it is true that there are many happy marriages/couples from different social classes, but it should be recognized that wide social differences may set upsets an a relationship between two people. It is thus convenient to set one’s sights on someone from a similar class. In fact, this usually happens naturally through normal work and leisure environment.

An experience on courtship
James and Joselyne are making plan for their wedding in about nine months’ time. They have going out together for two years. The outlook for this couple is very good: they possess similar values and ideas, a good level of communication, and skills in conflict resolution; they are conscious of their own and other people’s temperaments and are in relative agreement regarding their roles in their life together as a couple. Both consider marriage as a binding for life as opposed to a civil contract which may be broken if they fall into difficulty situations.

To sum it all up, no issue as stated above pertaining successful marriages can be under looked. I believe going through the procedure of courtship yields good results. How was your experience if you are already married? Do you think you needed to court well before getting their? Then, advise those you can to save them from bad experiences. If you are not married yet but have read this article, take the message seriously for you own good to enjoy a happy marriage.
I wish you a good relationship; a happy marriage!


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