
learn a lesson that sometimes there are troubles in relationships but we don't just quit!!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Most of the time when people start marital relationships, they only anticipate the good to happen there. They think not of any negatives that can happen. However, I would like to inform you that as long as you live down here on earth, problems must come. The other point is that as long as you are more than one person in a place, because you are different from the other problems will arise. In fact someone you love may severely injure you. Such an injury cuts/pierces deeper because it comes from one you do not expect to do it.
The human heart is unpredictable, it is deceitful. Today it may say one thing and tomorrow another. Am not trying to defend our misbehavior but I feel you should understand what happens and have room in your heart to handle some of those horrible occurrences of life.

Now that you’ve known it, that problems/ challenges/ distracters must come at any point in life, I argue you to read through the following paragraphs. They will direct you into right living that each one of us needs for comfort.

When things go wrong, as sometimes they will, when the road you are trudging seems all uphill, when the funds are low and the debts are high, and you want to smile but you have to sigh. When care is pressing you down a bit, rest if you must, but don’t you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns, as every one of us sometimes learns. And many a fellow turns about, when he might have won, had he stuck to it. Don’t give up though the pace seems slow, you may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than it seems, to a faint and faltering man. Success is failure turned inside out, the silver tint of the clouds of doubt. And you never can tell how close you are, it may be near when it seems afar. So stick to the fight, when you’re hardest hit, it’s when things seem worst, then you mustn’t quit.

In line with this topic, let me take you through a live example that took place to my friends. Like it has happened to many people, these two mate at school. They started a relationship without the consent of their parents. On discovering what had happened the mother who paid school fees for the girl pleaded to her daughter to first finish school then she would continue with her other programs after. The girl refused to listen and ran away from home to the boy’s house. She said she was of age and could decide for herself.

The gent was from a middle class family with fairly sufficient resources. He had access to the family car and other cars for the relatives. On many occasions he drove his girlfriend to school and to church. His room had most of the desirables for a youth. Life seemed too sweet and easy.

In a short while the lady was pregnant. She dropped out of school and the man also. The home funding was cut off. The parents said that if you have chosen to behave maturely, then meet the responsibilities for your mature choices.

They got a baby and moved on. Poverty hit this couple severely that they found it hard to stay together. In this bad situation the lady decided to quit. The husband called me to help talk to her. A lot went on between us for several days of real talk but she insisted she had to go. So she left. In a few days we went to meet her mother with whom we discussed issues. The mother spoke a lot of sensible words which were good lessons to us.

Thank God, the lady came back to the man who she had said she didn’t know the reason for loving him and she regretted the day they first met. What is surprising, just in only three months from that incidence, they are planning an introduction ceremony. The man has gotten a job also which is decent and fairly paying. They are happy again.

I don’t know which twists of life you have faced but what all of us should understand is that no situation is permanent. The trouble we are going through will go one day!!

 If you asked people around you, you would discover it is not you alone in suffering but so many. You may even find out that what troubles you have a very simple solution if you talked to someone who is knowledgeable. Do not quit your relationship.


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