
Read about the most important tool that solves all problems in relationships.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Have you ever seen someone denying another to speak their word?
Where? At home, community, workplace, church, meeting, government?
Okay, read this article you will tell the problem and possibly find a solution as well. 

In dialogue people use words and this is known to everyone.
A word is more than just instructions. A word constitutes two elements;-
  •        Reflection
  •        Action
There is no true word that has no action. An authentic word must be able to transform reality. Therefore when a true word is spoken, the world is transformed.
Action + reflection= word=work
Sacrifice of reflection= activism
Sacrifice of action =verbalism

Human existence cannot be silent and can’t be nourished by false words but only by true words with which men and women transform the world. To speak a word shouldn’t be a privilege of some few persons but a right to everyone. No one human being can say a true word alone, nor can he/she say it for another.

Dialogue is an encounter between ‘’men”, thus no one should be denied to speak their word. Denying others to speak is dehumanizing them and yourself. In dialogue people find their significance as human beings. Dialogue is a necessity for our existence.

In dialogue people create, thus it must not serve as a crafty -instrument for the domination of one person by another. If there is dialogue, then there is liberation of humankind.
Dialogue cannot exist without;-
a.       Love
b.      Humility
c.       Faith
d.      Hope
e.      Critical thinking

Love is the foundation of dialogue. Love also cannot exist in a relation of domination.  Dialogue cannot exist without love for the world and for the people. Domination is the pathology of love (love has been infected). Love is a courageous act, not an act of fear, love is commitment to others. In love one commits him/herself to the cause of the oppressed, to cause their liberation. It is brave to love; it is an act of freedom and must not serve to manipulate others.

Humility: - In dialogue there is no room for arrogance. How can I dialogue if I regard myself as a case apart from others, a member of `pure’ men, the owner of truth and knowledge, for whom all the non-members are `these people’? How can I dialogue if am offended by the contribution of others? Someone taking himself to be immortal cannot dialogue. Self-sufficiency is not compatible with dialogue. Men and women who lack humility cannot come to people.

Dialogue requires intense faith in people. You need to believe in others, that they have power to make, remake, create and recreate. A dialogical man believes in others even before he meets them face to face.  With love, humility and faith, dialogue becomes the horizontal relationship for mutual trust.

Hope:- Hope has its roots in the notion that we have something to accomplish ahead of us. We get those things by working together with others. Hopelessness is another form of silence and causes despair. Hope, however, does not consist in crossing arms and waiting.  “As long as I fight, I am moved by hope; and if I fight with hope, then I can wait.”

Critical thinking:-Dialoguers need to be critical thinkers. They think to discern indivisible solidarity between them. In critical thinking we review the past experiences, analyze the present and focus the future.

I feel each one of us should take it serious to communicate appropriately to those they love. Our relations are dying out because we do not communicate well. We should avoid stopping another person to speak their word.  Different cultures put it that when a man speaks, a woman shouldn’t. But no please, what about when the man’s line of argument is wrong, should we take it? 

I plead to you my friend, allow you partner to speak, because by virtue of their age, education and experiences, they have a point or two to put across.

Love your partner, trust them, have faith in them, think of them as humans like you are, have hope, engage in discussions together the results will be wonderful.

It is a common problem with men, although sometimes the women also do it, to do certain things in hiding but report them when bad luck has come. Stop this, for it is written that ‘’two heads are better than one’’ and ‘’no man is an island’’.

Wives and husbands learn to communicate to each other effectively, because when you do so you will be helping yourselves to stabilize your relationships. In addition, your children also may have a point to say even when they are young. Listen to them, to get their view and if they are not right, correct them in love to show them the way. You empower them if you respect their word and they discover that they have value.

Teach it to every one  that unless we communicate, we may never understand one another.


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